House Rules

1. The entire area of Allee Shopping Center is private property.

2. A security service is maintaining order in the shopping centre and the surrounding areas.

3. A CCTV surveillance system operates on the premises of the building for the purpose of personal and property protection. Information regarding the system can be requested from the data controller: In-Kal Zrt. (address: 1146 Budapest, Thököly út 68.; Phone: +36-1-273-2211; Email:

4. Smoking is prohibited throughout the entire area of the shopping center!

5. It is forbidden to use roller skates, skateboards, scooters, or any other play or sports equipment inside the building!

6. As a pet-friendly shopping center, Allee aims to provide an opportunity for those with well-socialized dogs and other animals permitted by the house rules to participate in the bustling life of Allee along with their four-legged companions. For more harmonious coexistence and to comply with relevant legal regulations, anyone arriving with an animal is required to follow the house rules available at this link.

7. Distributing flyers, conducting surveys, or engaging in similar activities within the shopping center is only allowed with the permission of the center management.

8. Alcoholic beverages may only be consumed in designated catering areas!

9. Shopping carts and baskets may not be taken outside the shopping center!

10. During public events or promotions organized in the shopping center, photo and video recordings may be made, in which visitors may appear. These recordings may be used by Allee Shopping Center in its own printed and online promotional materials, as well as in reports about the events.